Download Page

By downloading PS2Smart emulator application on your smartphone or computer, you're agreeing with following terms and conditions made by their authors, which are obligatory step users have to accept when installing the software.

Terms of Service

1. PS2Smart app should be used only for personal activity. It's strictly prohibited to use this program for public presentations, same like it's prohibited to sell it or charge services for its emulation abilities.

2. This application is not affiliated with Sony Interactive Entertainment in any way. All registered trademarks, including name "PlayStation" & "PS2" abbreviation, same as PlayStation graphic logo are intellectual property of respective Sony Corporation.

3. PlayStation®2 BIOS is intellectual property of Sony Interactive Entertainment and PS2Smart app players are using its feature just for personal needs.

4. Users are not allowed to modify original downloadable PS2Smart installation core files which can change its main function without prior permission from their developers.
However, if you're interested to become a member of our coding team or a beta tester, feel free to message us regarding this opportunity.

Users of older version v.1.1 should update their app to newest more stable release. Please download the latest version of PS2Smart emulator by clicking the download button.